A show hosted by Bizarre Charlie Alien (B.C.A.) about his life, his hobbies, his band The Earwigs, comic books, anime, movies of all types including his own, noise musick, and music in general. It's pretty much being inside the mind of a self proclaimed mutant who calls himself an alien.
He'also obsessed with an alien woman. And NO, he doesn't do drugs!
B.C.A. gradually developed his alien identity and universe of imagination and has drawn inspiration from heavy metal, punk, and experimental music. He's also drawn inspiration from video games, kung-fu movies, anime, sci-fi, and films of Tshinya Sukomoto. Other inspirations include H.R. Geiger, H.P. Lovecraft, Chuck Pahlaniuk, Lucio Fulci, Troma Films, & others.
He's has been drawing and writing since a young age, and through music and noise for the last 30+ years. He has published fanzines since 1988, and has been involved in bands such as Pile of Eggs, Brotherhood of Stench, The Second Coming, Master Centipede, and Darth Male. His solo projects include The Earwigs, The Gynger Effect, TETGE, and Conflagration.
He’s also been involved in crappy homemade movies, has managed the enigmatic Death Disco, played numerous entertaining live shows, and has been a member of the Great Kat slave club. His eclectic tastes contribute to his uniqueness.